Basketball Star Brian Cook Weds
The power forward for the Houston Rockets stood before about 150 guests and exchanged vows with Victoria Velasquez on Saturday at the Trump National Golf Club in Palos Verdes, Calif. Players from across the league were on hand and one of his two best men was Luke Walton from the Los Angeles Lakers, one Cook's former teams.
"I wasn't nervous at all until right before the ceremony," says Cook, "and then I saw her and just knew that it was all good."
The five-tiered wedding cake was made of red velvet and vanilla cake with butter cream frosting. But it was the groom's cake - in the shape of a basketball - that caused a commotion. As soon as they cut the cake, several of the players "started throwing cake on Brian!" says a witness.
The couple danced their first dance to Stevie Wonder's "Ribbon in the Sky." The bride wore a dress by Priscilla of Boston Platinum Collection and $75,000 worth of jewelry from Adorn Brides. The wedding, which had a purple and turquoise color scheme, was designed by Kathy Mazza of Bella Weddings & Events.
Energy Star proposes changes to lighting program
The proposal indicates the ways in which the various parts of the Energy Star lighting program will be integrated. Integration will include “a specification revision process that is open and transparent, incorporating the input of partners and stakeholders and allowing adequate transition time.” The agencies are also seeking to “remove any overlap or contradiction among specifications so as to eliminate confusion.” There are currently four separate Energy Star performance specifications that address lighting:
- Solid State Lighting specification (SSL v1.1, v1.2 draft)
Limited to luminaires employing SSL technology and addresses residential, commercial and industrial fixture applications. Developed by DOE. As part of the transition, DOE will complete SSL version 1.2, which includes additional outdoor light fixture categories. - Residential Light Fixture specification (RLF v4.2, v4.3 draft)
Addresses light fixtures sold in the residential segment of the lighting industry, using a variety of technologies including SSL. The EPA introduced SSL into its RLF v4.2 in June 2008 (marking the start of the so-called “Energy Star Wars” controversy). - Integral LED Lamps
Focuses on LED replacements for general service lamps, reflector lamps, and decorative lamps. The final version of the criteria was released on December 3, 2009 and will go into effect on August 31, 2010. - Compact Fluorescent Lamp specification (CFL V4.0)
- Residential light fixtures
- Residential (replacement) lamps
- Commercial/industrial light fixtures
The first of these, residential light fixtures, has been the source of most disagreement between advocates of the DOE and EPA approaches (SSL v1.1 and RLF v4.2, respectively).
In the short term, EPA and DOE are proposing to leave the RLF and SSL specifications in place. However, eligibility to qualify LED-based light fixtures under RLF V4.2 will be limited to decorative fixtures, as defined in a document (LSD 51-2009) co-authored by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) and the American Lighting Association (ALA).
This change clarifies EPA’s existing RLF V4.2 specification, and makes the number of fixtures that could qualify much smaller and more specific than formerly proposed.
For fixtures that are currently covered by the existing SSL specification, the proposal says that “no immediate changes to the performance levels, fixture categories, or test procedures are warranted. The existing test procedure for fixtures, LM-79, provides a strong and well recognized technical basis for evaluating the existing SSL fixture categories and will remain in place.”
For the longer term, EPA will initiate a formal specification revision effort, which among other things will reference a national standard for LED light engine testing (currently at the draft stage).
EPA plans to release a draft specification by mid February 2010, which will be followed by a stakeholder input process involving multiple draft proposals, comment periods and stakeholder meetings before revisions are finalized and effective dates are established.
What is Byetta?
Byetta is used to treat type 2 (non-insulin dependent) diabetes. Other diabetes medicines are sometimes used in combination with Byetta if needed.
Byetta may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide.
徳島救難飛行隊です。 |
UH-60J救難ヘリコプターを運用し、航空機事故等の際に素早く駆けつけ、救難業務を行います。また、山火事などの災害派遣にも活躍しています。 |
![]() | 鳴門海峡上空を飛行中のUH-60J |
![]() | エプロン(駐機スポット)で救難待機中のUH-60J 緊急事態の発生を知らせるベルが鳴り響けば、15分以内に飛び立ち、現場に急行します。 |
![]() | 県知事の要請を受けて山林火災の 消火に出動中のUH-60J 1回の放水量は約1600リットルにもおよび、消防車が到達できない山火事に大きな威力を発揮します。 |
![]() | 艦艇ホイスト訓練中の UH-60Jと掃海艇くめじま 船で病気やけがをした人を、ホイストと呼ばれるウインチを使って救助するための訓練です。 |
![]() | 海上自衛隊の艦艇における発着艦訓練 狭く揺れ動くヘリポートに降りるためには、高い操縦技能が必要です。 |
![]() | UH-60Jの整備作業風景 毎日の地道な整備作業が、飛行の安全と救難活動を支えています。 |
Giá vàng vượt xa mức 16 triệu đồng/lượng

Hà Nội TTXVN) - Vượt xa mọi dự đoán táo bạo nhất, giá vàng tại thị trường trong nước hôm nay 7/11 đã nhảy vọt, tăng tới 560.000 đồng/lượng so với chiều 6/11 để nhanh chóng bỏ xa ngưỡng 16 triệu đồng/lượng. gam thoi trang,
Trên thị trường tự do Hà Nội, giá mua vào/bán ra 1 lượng vàng 99,99% vào cuối ngày đã lên đến 16,24/16,39 triệu đồng.
Tại Đà Nẵng và Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, giá mua vào/bán ra 1 lượng vàng SJC khoảng 16,23/16,33 triệu đồng. Mức giá này đã vượt giá thế giới hơn 200.000 đồng/lượng.
Tuy vàng đang trong cơn bão giá, nhưng theo một số công ty kinh doanh vàng, sức mua vẫn rất mạnh. Ông Nguyễn Hữu Đang, phụ trách kinh doanh của Công ty Bảo Tín-Minh Châu tại Hà Nội cho biết, sáng 7/11 sức mua vàng tại công ty tăng gấp 3 lần so với thời điểm giá đứng. Nhiều người thấy giá vàng liên tục tăng mạnh trong thời gian gần đây đã dồn tiền vào mua vàng dự trữ.
Nhiều công ty kinh doanh vàng khẳng định hiện nguồn cung vàng không khan hiếm, vẫn đáp ứng đủ nhu cầu của khách hàng.
Trên thị trường châu Á trong phiên 7/11, giá vàng cũng đã tăng mạnh từ mức 810,2-810,7 USD/ounce lúc đóng cửa phiên trước lên 835-835,5 USD/ounce. Nhiều dự báo cho rằng, giá vàng sẽ tiến lên mức 850 USD/ounce trong ngắn hạn./.
Quốc vương Thái Lan phê chuẩn Hiến pháp mới
Theo ông Noranit, Quốc vương Bhumibol đã ký phê chuẩn Hiến pháp 2007 sau khi ông và Chủ tịch Hội đồng lập pháp quốc gia Meechai Ruechupan đệ trình bản Hiến pháp mới lên Quốc vương để phê chuẩn.
Dự thảo Hiến pháp mới đã giành được sự ủng hộ của công chúng trong cuộc trưng cầu dân ýngày 19/8 vừa qua, với tỷ lệ ủng hộ 57,8%.
Hiến pháp mới sẽ có hiệu lực một ngày sau khi được đăng trên Công báo của Hoàng gia./.